In the blog post Twitch Engagement, I briefly talked about certain conversations that you can use to create interaction, as well as discussed conversations to avoid in a Twitch Chat. Today, I want to go a little deeper into that conversation and focus more on the finer points of what creates a good conversation and how it gets there; so let’s dig deeper.
A Web of Conversation
A simple question can turn into hours of interaction and conversation. It’s amazing how a question like “What should I get tonight for dinner from this Chinese restaurant?” can turn into a conversation about something that is completely unrelated. Twitch is a place full of interesting people from all around the world. If you have a story to tell about that crazy night you just had at a Walgreens, there’s a decent chance someone in your chat can relate.
I think some of the best streamers on Twitch are those who can make you laugh about the silliest things in life. Storytellers on Twitch tend to be super successful. This doesn’t mean that you need to be a great storyteller if you want to grow your stream, but it will definitely not hurt trying to improve in that department. Storytellers are successful because they can make a mundane experience that a lot of us go through, and turn it into a something fun and hilarious. A chat can really open up with a streamer that is excellent at telling a story.
A Web of Conversation
A simple question can turn into hours of interaction and conversation. It’s amazing how a question like “What should I get tonight for dinner from this Chinese restaurant?” can turn into a conversation about something that is completely unrelated. Twitch is a place full of interesting people from all around the world. If you have a story to tell about that crazy night you just had at a Walgreens, there’s a decent chance someone in your chat can relate.
I think some of the best streamers on Twitch are those who can make you laugh about the silliest things in life. Storytellers on Twitch tend to be super successful. This doesn’t mean that you need to be a great storyteller if you want to grow your stream, but it will definitely not hurt trying to improve in that department. Storytellers are successful because they can make a mundane experience that a lot of us go through, and turn it into a something fun and hilarious. A chat can really open up with a streamer that is excellent at telling a story.