One of the obstacles with getting started in streaming is figuring out a system that works for you. A big part of that system is finding out what sort of streaming content makes you feel most at home. Streaming is a bit tricky in the sense that, just like speedrunning, your favorite games may not always be the best games for streaming. Your role as a streamer is that of an entertainer; video games are just the medium that unites you and your audience. The focus of this article will be on two major sections. The first will get you thinking about your personal history to steer you onto a path. The second will discuss experimenting and how you can make the most of it.
Personal Assessment
The first and easiest step in personal assessment is considering your favorite games and genres from your library. The number one policy is to have fun with what you’re doing, so go ahead and push aside all the games that don’t match you. The next two parts are a little bit more complicated. Kind of like picking your favorite Race and Class in an MMORPG, you now need to start finding your Approach and Personality.